Signed copies at the Barnes & Noble Danbury Square store in Connecticut, and thanks to Dan and the awesome team there for displaying it right next to Barack Obama's coffee table book at the main Customer Service counter. This stop on the #BarnesandNobleStormingTour was a makeup for the tour's stop a few weeks earlier when I hit nine BN stores in Connecticut on the same Saturday -- inventing the #BarnesandNobleStormingTour in the process. That day, Danbury was going to be the finale but even with late holiday store hours I couldn't quite make it to the store in time before closing. So now we're good!
Look here for a schedule of DIAMONDS FROM THE DUGOUT book events.
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Earlier Event: December 27
BN Signing: Poughkeepsie (NY)
Later Event: December 29
BN Signing: Woodland Park (NJ)